Just the facts
Find out about potential problems in advance
The best way to prevent unexpected downtime is an early warning
LubeAccess™ comes with a powerful alarm system, with three
distinct levels: watch, alert and critical. The initial alarm levels
are set according to the machine type and lube oil in use, based
on our decades of experience keeping machinery running.
However, we know that some equipment and environments
can vary from the norm. That's why the alarm settings are fully
configurable, right from the report page. Set the alarm levels
of an individual basis for each machine, or automatically apply a
set of alarms to a whole range of equipment.
Bring in all the stakeholders
It takes more than a single person to keep machinery running
LubeAccess can support everyone involved in the process, not just maintenance engineers. You can add as many additional users as you want, each with a separate name and password, and just the permissions they need to get their job done.
Of course, sometimes the people you need to share information with don't work at your company. So we made it easy to share lab results with anyone. You can send a link to a set of reports, giving someone access to just the reports you selected.
Make your data work for you
An effective oil-analysis program must be usable
We designed the data handling system in LubeAccess around a simple yet powerful concept you’re already familiar with: the spreadsheet. The row/column format efficiently organizes your data and lets you find what you need with ease. Sorting and filtering on any column takes a single click.
To make it easy to focus on your own area of concern, you can group related machinery into maintenance centers. LubeAccess will show you results only from those that are your responsibility.
You don’t have to give up your existing infrastructure to switch to LubeAccess. If you need to integrate your oil analysis results with vibration or ultrasound analysis, or if you have historical oil analysis results, you can easily export your data to Excel® and RBMWare®.
We are constantly improving LubeAccess. Some of the planned extensions include ferrography and particle count reports, label generation, and routine scheduling. Because it’s a Web-based service, not a software application, you don’t have to worry about upgrades. When we release an improvement, you automatically get the benefits without doing anything.
Sign up today!
LubeAccess™ is available now. Contact us at info@swsclabs.com or 713.944.3694 to get started.
Technical Information
LubeAccess works with any modern browser that supports cookies and Javascript, such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. A high-speed Internet connection and at least 800x600 screen resolution are recommended. To secure your data, LubeAccess uses password protection and strong 128-bit SSL encryption.
Get a bird’s-eye view
Too much data can be worse than too little data if you can’t see the big picture
When you sign in, LubeAccess shows you the state of all your
equipment at a glance, right on the home page.
Need to keep track of how often you are sampling?
Take a look at the graph of the samples you’ve pulled over the
last year or the list of recent batches posted on LubeAccess.
Need to know where your samples are being taken?
Use the interactive breakdown of your samples by oil,
machinery type, location or maintenance center, over a
time frame of recent months, quarters or years.
Need to track the healthy ratio of your equipment?
The graphs are color-coded: the green bar shows you the
number of samples taken, and the red overlay shows you the
number of those that are in exception.
Need to keep your eye on certain critical machinery?
Add them to your personal monitor list and the latest results
for each will show up on the home page.
Check up on your equipment
Time is crucial when your equipment is at risk
We gathered together on a single page all the information you
need to evaluate your equipment, so nothing stands in your
way to understand and take the right course of action.
We started by grouping related tests together and using full
chemical names rather than cryptic symbols. We arranged the
current and historical values vertically, not horizontally, to
make comparing numbers easy. Finally, we color-coded the
results according to the alarm condition to highlight potential
problems. The result is a simple, easy-to-read report.
Each report includes two graphs at the bottom so you can
visually trend viscosity, wear metals, particle counts, or
any other test result. You can customize the graphs to include
just the tests you want, over just the time frame you want. And
since not all equipment is the same, each report can have a
different set of graphs.
Of course, you are not limited to just looking at the data on
your screen. You can print the report from your browser,
create a PDF or forward a link to the report to colleagues--
even if they are not signed up with LubeAccess.
The forest, not the trees
LubeAccess™ is a Web-based lube-oil analysis service developed by Southwest Spectro-Chem Labs. We took the industry leading approach we pioneered with our original database-management software Lube Master™ and created an entirely new online service centered on the needs of our customers.
Graph Trending
Edit your own graphs to show exactly the trends you want
Popup Details
Hover the mouse over graphs, text and links to get additional information
Maintenance Centers
See just the equipment you are responsible for
Interactive Graphics
Click on any summary graph bar to get a detailed listing of items in summary
Monitored Equipment
Keep track of machinery
right on the home page
Keep track of where you are in LubeAccess at any time, and go back with just a click
Report Layout
Modify the report structure to
suit your needs
Instant Searches
Start Typing the words you're looking for, and LubeAccess finds them while you type
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